Custom Domain and Website Design Package



Package Inclusions:

  1. Custom Domain Registration
    • Secure a memorable and brand-specific domain name.
    • Includes one year of domain registration with automatic renewal options.
  2. Website Design and Development
    • Consultation and Planning:
      • Initial consultation to understand your business goals, target audience, and design preferences.
      • Development of a tailored website strategy and site map.
    • Design:
      • Custom website design tailored to your brand identity.
      • Mobile-responsive design to ensure optimal viewing across all devices.
      • Up to 10 unique page layouts.
    • Development:
      • Professional coding and development ensuring a fast, secure, and reliable website.
      • Integration of essential features such as contact forms, image galleries, and social media links.
      • Basic SEO setup to improve search engine visibility.
    • Content Management System (CMS):
      • Easy-to-use CMS for effortless content updates.
      • Training session to empower your team to manage and update the site.
  3. E-Commerce Integration (Optional)
    • Add an online store to your website.
    • Secure payment gateway integration.
    • Product catalog setup with up to 50 products.
  4. Performance Optimization
    • Fast loading times with optimized images and code.
    • Regular performance testing to ensure a smooth user experience.
  5. Security Features
    • SSL certificate for secure data transmission.
    • Regular security updates and monitoring to protect against threats.
  6. Support and Maintenance
    • Six months of post-launch support including bug fixes and minor updates.
    • Regular backups and monitoring to ensure site stability and performance.

Additional Benefits:

  • Professional Email Setup: Branded email accounts to enhance your business communication.
  • Analytics Integration: Google Analytics setup for tracking and analyzing website traffic and user behavior.
  • Social Media Integration: Seamless integration of your social media profiles to boost engagement.


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